The Cardboard Canoe challenge has definitely been my favorite project we have done so far in Engineering! Basically, we had to construct a canoe using cardboard and ride it in our school's swimming pool.
My group earner 11 achievements for this challenge.
• Build a watercraft that allows you to traverse the CHS swimming pool.
• Your "boat" must float at least one student through the course of the competition.
•Protect workspace from damage.
• You may only use Cardboard and Duct Tape for this event.
• All Staples or other foreign material must be removed from your cardboard. If we trash the pool, we will not be invited back for other activities during the year (yes, we have other activities in mind for 2nd semester).
• Cardboard must meet our quality standard and be approved by the instructor (more info to follow)
• Each boat must have a minimum of a 3" tall "sidewall" (no completely flat designs).
• All exposed cardboard must be covered in duct tape (this will reduce cardboard disintigration in the pool).
• Each team will be provided one "versa table" cardboard box piece and three 60yrd rolls of duct tape. Any materials beyond this (likely need more cardboard) need to be resourced by your team.
We earned 11 achievements for this project!
Design Achievements:
• Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions - For this challenge, we are constructing a canoe entirely out of cardboard.We are then covering the entire canoe in duct tape to ensure that it will not get destroyed when it gets exposed to the water. Our goal is to have the canoe comfortably support the weight of our team Member Morgan.
These are some of our construction ideas we had prior to constructing our canoe:
- Make the walls of our canoe high enough so that when Morgan gets on, it doesnt sink to the point where the water will get in
- Increase our canoe's stability by constructing outriggers
- Cover our canoe entirely with duct tape so that water doesn't get in
- On two of the sides use an extra piece of cardboard to ensure stability and durability of the canoe
- Use two layers of duct tape on places where it is especially dangerous for the water to seep into the canoe
- Make the walls tall but not tall to the point where it could risk balance
- Make the canoe flat bottom
- Make the walls an appropriate height so that Morgan is able to reach out of the canoe
- Make sure to cover the inside of the boat with duct tape too
- Use extra duct tape for all edges and corners
- The canoes should be in the general shape of a box
- The bottom should be fairly large to increase the surface area
- Construct a paddle using cardboard
- Cover the paddle entirely with duct tape
- Contribute extra cardboard
- Contribute extra tape if needed
- Decrease the amount of cardboard used to increase the speed by reducing the weight
- Possibly make a sail
- Possibly make pontoons
- Think of a creative name for the boat .... like .... The Morgan Mobile
• Criteria & Constraints -
- Construct a boat using only cardboard and duct tape
- Make the boat the appropriate size and weight to transport from the classroom to the pool
- Use all materials efficiently
- Strive to always keep a clean working environment
• Prototype Ideas - This is the paper model we constructed of our canoe. Its key features are the high walls, flat bottom, and box shape.
• Select an Approach - Generate feedback (+, change, ?, !)
+: covering the entire canoe with duct tape truly paid off!
change: the walls didn't have to be as high as we made them
?: why did the water seep into our boat faster than expected?
!: if our boat was a bit larger it might have increased its stability
• Surface area! - We covered an area of 9540 cm^2 with duct tape. To cover that entire area, we consumed 3 rolls of duct tape.
Build Achievements:
• Build It! - This is a picture of our boat and my team minus my best friend Torrey.
Test Achievements:
• Balance Master - A member of our group stood on our boat for 23 seconds.
• Videographer - This is a video of our canoe in the pool!
Reflection Achievements:
• Feedback -
- We should have used the time provided more efficiently
- Our walls should have been shorter
- We should have better covered the edges of our boat
- We made a great decision to cover the inside of our boat in duct tape
- The flat bottom we incorporated in our canoe increased its balance and stability in the water
- We should have used a little less cardboard so that our canoe wasn't as heavy
- I wonder if our bat would have been more stable if we had increase the surface area?
- Why did the boat not go as fast as planned?
- Our team should have discussed all ideas with everyone on the team before carrying them through
- Our boat was pretty sturdy and stable
• (Make Your Own Achievement) - Our boar was extremely study and even after violently jumping on it it still held together pretty well. I think a "Indestructible" would be a great achievement to be rewarded to the team whose boat held together the best.