Thursday, May 30, 2013

Seperate the Marbles!

In this project, we are required to seperate various marbles based on size, color, type of material and other categories. In our first attempt, we were able to construct a structure that successfully sperated a wood and a metal marble. We used magnets to seperate the metal from the wood wince the metal marble was automaticallly attracted to the magnet.



3.1.4 - Branch Functions


3.1.5 - Variable Functions

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

3.1.4 - Branch Functions

3.1.3 - Basic Programming

3.1.1 - Inputs and Outputs

Spinning Motor

connecting the potentiometer

The interface

3.1.2 - Flowcharting

These are a few flowcharts that I constructed according to specific instruction that were given to the class regarding the steps of the flowchart.

Flowchart #1
Flowchart #2

Manila Folder Bridge Design

The first time we tried the Manila Folder Bridge challenge, we were not very sure about how to construct a sturdy, durable bridge. After learning about truss forces, however, we had a better idea on how to go about making out bridge. This is trial #2 :) 

As you can see, our bridge design was very simple, easy and strong! We took four large pieces of manilla folder, rolled them tightly to ensure strength, taped them to each other, and attached spacers at the ends to maintain stability. 

Looks like our design performed quite well! It was able to hold 40 magazines! 

This is Morgan! One of our very valuable team members posing for a picture with our amazing bridge.